2 Hidden Pools in Laguna Beach You Must Visit

When you are traveling, there are many unusual things you stumble upon since you are in a totally new place with an entirely different culture than yours. But have you ever thought of discovering something that is considered hidden? A place that is not just hidden but also challenging and dangerous to reach. However, it is totally worth all the struggle. Laguna Beach’s hidden pools are just the place where you must head on your next trip.

Along with exploring Laguna Beach’s hidden pools, don’t miss out on the opportunity to go snorkeling. The area is renowned for its clear waters and diverse marine life, making it one of the best spots for snorkeling in Laguna Beach.

Hidden Pools In Laguna Beach

Essentially it’s wise to have your trip all planned out. It helps in being ahead of what to expect and what not to expect. It also helps add all the must-visit places to your schedule and gives you a better understanding of what you will be doing, how, and where you will spend your time.

But at the same time, when you are going to a new place, surely there will be many things you are unaware of as a tourist. Many places you wouldn’t have heard of on the internet. So it is safe to say that keeping a day or two completely open for spontaneous plans gives you an upper hand.

Laguna Beach is home to some hidden pools that the entire internet knows about, but very few people know their directions. The challenge doesn’t end here. As hard as it is to find the directions to these pools, what is harder is to follow these directions and get through them safely and without getting lost.

Ariel View of The Hidden Pools
Ariel View of The Hidden Pools. @Hikeronatrail YT

In such situations, generally, the locals know what is best and how to get to places successfully. In any case, if you have made up your mind to visit these hidden pools, then there are a few heads up would like to give you before you go out on your quest.

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Guidelines to Keep in Mind

First, the Laguna Beach hidden pools have a few lifeguards on duty to not let anyone get through. So they will do everything they can to divert your path in another direction. Keep an eye out for them. It’s not like they are going to put you in jail or something, but of course, none of us would like to be called and stopped from what is an exciting adventure.

Secondly, you must check the level of the tides on the day you plan to visit. High tides would mean no access to pools. Let us explain why.

When you reach the beach entrance, don’t forget to park your car along the Pacific Coast Highway. You can find free parking if you are lucky; if not, they also have metered parking, so you don’t need to worry about that. But even that gets full really quickly, especially on the weekends. It’s wise to go early in the day to avoid such unpleasant circumstances of no parking available.

Splashing Water on The Beach
Splashing Water on The Beach. @Hikeronatrail YT

It is a time-taking journey when you head to the beach. Based on facts, it is precisely 250 steps, but people report that it feels like a thousand steps, especially on your way back. This beach, unlike Laguna’s other main beach, is not at all full of unnecessary crowds and noise. So people looking for some peaceful alone time to connect with nature and do some retrospection, this is your place. On top of that, you get to see some beautiful views.

cave entrance laguna
Access Point to The Hidden Pools. @Hikeronatrail YT

Directions & Tips To Reach The Hidden Pools

When you finally enter the beach, take a turn towards the left side and check your compass for directions in the South. Begin your walk towards the South to near your destination. This will lead you to what looks like a cave opening. The catch here is, that the cave can only be crossed when the tide is really low.

That is what we meant earlier by high tides meaning no access. This is because when the tide is high, the cave gets submerged in water and gets very dangerous to cross. It can even cause serious injuries or worst comes to worst, you will be carried into the sea by the tides.

Inside View of The Cave laguna
Inside View of The Cave. @Hikeronatrail YT

When you have crossed the cave, this would mean you are two steps closer to finding Laguna Beach’s hidden pools. The first would be finding the location, and the second would be crossing the cave. When you finally cross the cave, you will see some rocks that you will need to climb. But beware because the rocks can be very slippery and on top of that, you will be welcomed by crabs while you climb the rocks.

We suggest you wear sneakers or joggers while you’re making the climb in order to maintain good balance, but also keep a lookout not to squish any marine life that includes snails, crabs, starfish, mussels, and sea urchins, limpets, barnacles, etc.

Up ahead, you will see a no-trespassing sign board with a threat of prosecution. Try to make your way through without getting caught by a lifeguard. So keep your excuses ready in case of an encounter with a lifeguard. However, you must respect and do what you are told by the authorities. So it all really comes down to if you are lucky enough on the day of your visit.

Be patient, as the pools will not instantly be visible to you but don’t lose hope. Keep going up, and you will soon be mind-blown by what your eyes are about to witness. Once the pools are within your visual field, try to keep yourself together as the struggle doesn’t end here.

You will have to make your way down because there are still a few feet of height between you and the pools. Don’t even think of jumping because you will surely get yourself injured. At this point, we suggest you get rid of any extra baggage that’s weighing you down in order to make your descent much safer. If there is nothing breakable in your backpack, you might as well throw it down to the tier below you.

First Pool

After safely making your way down, you will have arrived at one of the two secret pools in Laguna Beach. After so much struggle, fear, and anxiety, arrival at the pools will feel no less than a big achievement. More like climbing the peak of a mountain. In any case, you must feel proud of yourself for doing so, as it is truly considered a lifetime experience to have visited these hidden pools.

Now that you’re here, you can do the typical – taking pictures, but we suggest you take a dip in the water and go for a swim regardless of the water temperature and how windy it gets. You will definitely thank us later for it. Beware of the water going in your mouth as it is too salty.

As your swim comes to an end, your mind will constantly be occupied by the thought of two things. The first is to find your way to the second pool. And second is the anxiety of having to go through all the struggles again on your way back. Don’t worry as it is not every day you set on an adventure like this.

Also, check out the Best Laguna Beach Art Galleries You Should Visit.

first pool laguna hidden
First Pool. @Hikeronatrail YT

Second Pool

As you move towards the second pool, you will realize that getting to the first pool was rather an uncomplicated and undemanding route, but it does need a certain level of what we call “an act of trust”. That faith is what acts as a driving force. Along with that, you will need an unlimited supply of water to beat the heat and dehydration because that is the last thing you would want on a trip like this.

Other than that, a little sunscreen won’t hurt. Or preferably, too much sunscreen would be better. Your body, among other struggles, will also be fighting a silent fight against the sun burns. So we suggest you stock up on some sunscreen. However, there is a specific type of burn that even sunscreen can’t help you with. You will feel that burn in your legs after all sorts of workouts your legs will have done that day.

Of course, you can skip all of this if you have a million-dollar-worth cliff house by the pool. But then where is the fun in that?

Second Pool
Second Pool. @Hikeronatrail YT

Moving towards the second secret pool in Laguna Beach, you will have to make your way downwards to a greater extent and then trek upwards a little further. The second hidden pool is more round-shaped in structure, whereas the first one looks more like a rectangle.

In both cases, you will be awestruck and blown away by the beauty your eyes will have witnessed. It is like nothing else you have seen. The air seems to be fresher than usual, and mother nature seems raw and untouched by the earth’s polluted approach of materializing everything to its own benefit.

  • Address:  31972 Pacific Coast Hwy, Laguna Beach, CA 92651.


The world is full of hidden treasures just like this one in southern California, and they are all waiting to be explored by us. No matter how private, challenging, or adventurous, we think it is every person’s right to experience the beauty this world has to offer. Such experiences are very refreshing mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

What’s important is that we must also realize our responsibilities at the same time as we demand our rights. These natural beauties are at our disposal to take care of and to keep them safe from dying. To leave them behind in the same spotless and flawless condition as they were when we arrived at it.

So please be mindful of not polluting the area or leaving trash around. This way, we will all be able to make the most out of these wonderful Laguna Beach hidden pools for many generations to come. In addition to enjoying the natural beauty, don’t miss out on the delicious seafood at some of the top restaurants in Laguna Beach.

Sara Anwar
Sara Anwar is hopdes' US director and a globetrotter. She joined the Hopdes team in July 2022. She has done more than 300,000 miles back and forth. She's been to more than 80% of the world, and her passion for understanding different cultures has only grown stronger with time. A traveler at heart, she loves to experience new cultures and learn new languages. Sara's wealth of travel experience makes her the perfect person to oversee a travel website – after all, who knows better what travelers want and need than she does?

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