6 Reasons to Choose International Baccalaureate for Traveler Kids

Choosing the right school for your kids can be a challenge, especially if you’re traveling frequently. Every country has a different education system and enrolling your kids in a different school each year can disrupt their learning experience. 

The best alternative for traveler kids is an international baccalaureate. These schools are based on an international syllabus and offer degrees that are recognized worldwide. If you’re a digital nomad, traveler, diplomat, or in a profession where your job entails traveling to different countries frequently, an international baccalaureate school is ideal for your kids.

Why Choose International Baccalaureate for Traveler Kids?

Here are the reasons along with their evidence-based explanation on why you should choose an international baccalaureate for your kids if you’re a traveler.

1. Uniform Education System For Kids

Books and pens

These schools offer a single, uniform syllabus in a wide range of countries. Some subjects may change slightly due to the local laws of some countries, but the core syllabus is the same across different international baccalaureate schools worldwide.

Studies have shown that simply changing schools can have a significant emotional impact on children, especially if they’ve gotten accustomed to the previous school. International baccalaureate schools offer more than 7000 programs in over 179 countries, so you’re likely to find a school for your kids in most countries. 

2. IB Programs are Globally Recognized

Computer screen

Most universities, and all the top-ranking ones, accept the 7700 programs offered by international baccalaureate. While some countries require you to apply for equivalence certification if you’ve done schooling through an international baccalaureate program, most universities will accept your IB diploma, so there’s no need to worry about credibility.

While some other degrees, like A Levels, are accepted by most universities, the IB diploma will guarantee your kid admission into the university, regardless of which country you’re staying in. According to studies, students who have graduated from the international baccalaureate program are 21% more likely to be accepted by a prestigious university in the US.

3. Teaching Style is Better

Student and teacher

There has been a lot of research on how different teaching approaches impact a child’s ability to think critically and solve real-world problems. Unfortunately, many teaching systems are still based on outdated teaching systems that place more emphasis on repetition and memorization. 

In contrast to this, the international baccalaureate system is based on an immersive learning experience, which allows for more one-on-one teacher and child interaction. They focus more on instilling leadership qualities in kids, and this is emphasized in everything from the syllabus design to extracurricular activities. The active teaching strategy is significantly better than traditional lecture-based teaching, according to a recent study by Harvard.

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4. Helps Kids Appreciate Diversity

Kids playing

The fact that traveling kids have to adapt to different environments and visit schools in different countries can be daunting. It can be difficult to blend in with other kids, especially when there are cultural and language barriers. However, on the other hand, this can be a positive aspect of your kid’s learning experience as it helps them appreciate diversity.

This is why an international baccalaureate is ideal for traveler kids as it exposes them to children from diverse backgrounds. Children of diplomats and other traveling parents often attended international baccalaureate schools. Not only will this allow your kids to appreciate diversity, but it also allows them to be more confident in front of people from other countries.

5. Programs are Often Advanced

Man working on laptop

Research has shown that many schools struggle to cope with changing technology and few know how to integrate new tech into their teaching programs. Fortunately, international baccalaureate schools are more advanced in this regard and incorporate technology in the teaching process.

Another advantage of having a positive attitude towards technological changes is that the curriculum prepares the kids for real-world challenges. For example, AI is projected to displace 40% of all current jobs by 2028.  Fortunately, the IB program regularly adds new courses to its curriculum to stay up-to-date with technological changes, so your kids are a step ahead in the professional sphere.

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6. Encourages Extra Curricular Activities

Kids studying

Research has shown that effective extracurricular activities can aid in a child’s intellectual and personal development. Well-designed extracurricular activities can be more productive for long-term student development than lecture-based studies.

Schools offering IB programs are often more proactive towards the children’s extracurricular activities to make them more confident and aware of themselves. They have designated marks and points for these activities which motivates many students to step out of the conventional learning system.

Wrap Up!

From our analysis of the different benefits of the International Baccalaureate, we believe that this is one of the finest choices for traveler kids. Even if the kids do not end up traveling, they will be learning in one of the best-recognized programs worldwide. It will be an investment that you will not regret. For all of the mentioned benefits, we recommend choosing an IB program for your kids.

For many other guides related to travel, head over to our section on “Travel Explained“.

Why Should You Choose an International Baccalaureate for Traveler Kids - FAQs

What are the Advantages of an International Baccalaureate?

The main advantage of an international baccalaureate is that the degree is recognized globally. Other benefits of an international baccalaureate include a more well-rounded approach to education, an up-to-date syllabus, and more teacher-student interaction.

Which School System is Best for Traveler Kids?

While schools offering A Levels provide adequate education for traveler kids, the international baccalaureate program is ideal. It prepares kids for the challenges of globalization and has a more advanced syllabus and quality teaching system.

Will Major Universities Accept the International Baccalaureate Degree?

Most major universities will accept the international baccalaureate degree. Many universities will prefer students with an IB degree. Students graduating from these programs are also more likely to have better interpersonal skills and creative thinking, which increases their chances of taking the entry tests of most major universities.

Zonash Arshad
Zonash Arshad is a British traveler who has been dwelling around the whole EU to satisfy her wanderlust. She is an LLB graduate from the University of Westminster, which brings legal expertise to her writing along with a strong traveling sense. When she’s not fact-checking, writing, or reviewing the content on Hopdes, she can be found planning her next travel destination in her journal. She was last seen roaming around the Regent St, in London.

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