Getting Over Fear of Roller Coasters [2024 Methods]

Roller coasters are enjoyable for many people, but not everyone experiences the same feeling. Some people avoid amusement parks because of their fear of these thrilling rides.

Having a past bad experience, feeling helpless, or having a fear of heights on the ride are all possible causes of this. However, the good news is that you can successfully overcome your fear.

All it takes is a little bravery and some careful planning. If you follow our advice, you’ll face your phobia of amusement parks and join the fun like everyone else.

How to Get Over Fear of Roller Coasters?

Three major reasons make people scared of roller coasters: the heights, the potential for injury, and the feeling of confinement. However, the following four strategies will assist you in overcoming any coaster phobia:

Prepare Yourself Mentally and Physically

You’ll need to do some mental and physical training to get over your phobia of roller coasters. Although roller coasters are purposefully terrifying, and designed to create the sensation of weightlessness, they are quite safe and entertaining. To maximize your excitement during the journey, consider the following advice.

Also, check out Virtual reality therapy or Exposure Therapy which has shown promise in helping individuals overcome their fear of roller coasters.

Virtual Reality Therapy [How to get over fear of roller coasters]
Virtual Reality Therapy. Creator: Maj. Matt Lawrence

Research on Roller Coaster Options

Start by familiarizing yourself with the various roller coaster options. There are both wooden and steel options, as well as those with straight and curved drops, loops, and launches.

Types of Roller Coasters
Types of Roller Coasters

Learn more about the thrill rides at your destination theme park by consulting the park’s map, browsing online, or speaking with an employee. Choose a less terrifying roller coaster if heights or extreme motions scare you. For example, going to Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi and experiencing the fastest roller coaster in the world is not a good idea for a newbie!

Read our guide to the scariest roller coasters in the world and make sure you avoid them if you have a fear of roller coasters!

Watch and Observe

Talk to other people who love roller coasters or who have overcome their fear of them. You can get confidence and excitement from hearing their ideas and tips. You can also watch videos of the intended roller coasters and observe how people react to them.

Understand Roller Coaster Safety

Understand that roller coasters are supposed to be scary. That’s what makes them fun! They give you a rush of adrenaline and make you feel alive. But following the safety rules and instructions makes them safe. Roller coasters are tested and maintained regularly and have low chances of malfunctioning or causing injury.

Studies have shown that roller coasters account for only 4 deaths per year in the US. As for the injuries, there are only 3.7 injuries per one million. Of these injuries, 60% are a result of not following the rules in the designated manner. If that isn’t calming enough, you’d be eased out to know that the chances of dying from a roller coaster are 1 in 16 million while the chances of getting hit by thunder are 1 in 0.7 million. Even the chances of dying from an airplane are higher than those of a roller coaster (about 1 in 11 million)

The point of explaining these facts and figures is to give you an idea that roller coasters are one of the safest rides.

Go with Friends or Family

Go with friends or family who support you and encourage you. Riding roller coasters with friends/family can make the experience more enjoyable and less scary. Have fun together on the ride by laughing, screaming, and cheering, then express your feelings. Don’t let anyone pressure you into riding something you don’t want to. But if you intend to explore, you can try something new.

Roller Coaster with Family
Roller Coaster with Family

Experience Your First Ride

After preparing yourself, if you think you are ready for your first ride. Don’t go for the most extreme ones at first. There are many tips to make it more fun and less scary. The following are some of them:

Choose a roller coaster that doesn’t go too fast, high, or twisty – You can look for wooden coasters with small or medium drops and no loops. They are usually the oldest and most classic coasters in the park. You can also try other rides first to get used to the excitement and adrenaline.

Don’t look at the scary parts of the roller coaster – When you’re strolling through the park or standing in line, try not to stare at the big drops or the loops. Focus on talking to your friends or thinking about something else. You can also look at the people who finish the ride and see how happy they are. They all survived and had fun.

Sit in the middle of the car – If you’re nervous, sit in this comforting spot. You can have a clear view of the seat in front of you, which helps you feel at ease and less worried about what lies ahead. The middle is also the smoothest and gentlest part of the ride. You can sit in the front if you want to see more. But the back is more intense, so avoid sitting there.

Follow the instructions and safety rules – As you reach your seat, pay attention to park employees and follow their instructions. Different roller coasters use different types of safety harnesses. You should put them on correctly and snugly. If you need help, you can ask them. You should also put away any glasses or jewelry that might fall off.

Enjoy Your Ride

Riding roller coasters can release endorphins, which can lead to feelings of euphoria and happiness. If you don’t enjoy your ride, all the above steps will go to waste. So, follow these tips and have the best roller coaster experience:

Enjoying Roller Coaster
Enjoying Roller Coaster

Steady Head and Eyes

One of the tips to enjoy a roller coaster ride is to keep your head and eyes steady. It will prevent you from feeling sick or dizzy. You can look at the track or the seat ahead of you. Don’t glance down or sideways because that will make you more aware of the speed and the height. It is useful when you go on a loop.

Some people believe that closing their eyes will make it less scary, but it will make it worse. You will feel more confused and sick. So, focus on something that is not moving and keep your eyes open.

Breathe Deeply

Don’t hold your breath because you will feel tense and dizzy. Try to Breathe deeply and slowly. You can also count your breaths or say something encouraging to yourself. For example, you can say, “I got this” or “This is awesome”. Breathing well will also help you avoid feeling faint or sick.

Flex your Stomach and Arm Muscles

It will help you reduce the butterflies in your stomach and the shaking in your arms. You can also hold on to the hand-holds on the harness or the seat. It will make you feel more secure and in control. You can also tense your muscles for a few seconds and then release them to ease the tension.

Ignore the Spooky Decorations

Some rides have intentionally scary themes or special effects to make you jump. But you can ignore them. Avoid the scary sights by focusing on the ride’s amusements. You can also think of something that makes you happy or funny to forget your fears.

Yell Loudly

Yelling can help you release your fear and make the ride more enjoyable. You can also laugh, cheer, or say something silly. Yelling can also make you feel more powerful and confident. You will not be the only one yelling, so don’t be shy.

Create a Positive Mindset

As fear is a mental game and roller coaster designs can create a fearful environment, it becomes crucial to prepare your mind. You can gain control over your thoughts and bring positivity by doing the following:

Imagine Alternate Scenarios

Don’t think of the worst things that could happen on a roller coaster, like falling, crashing, or getting stuck. These are rare and unlikely, as roller coasters are safe and well-checked. Instead, think of positive and real things, such as flying, racing, or resting. It will make you less scared and more excited.

Channel Your Inner Strength

Don’t feel weak and powerless on a roller coaster. You have no control over the ride, but you can trust the restraints and the operators to keep you safe. Further, don’t feel helpless and insecure, especially if you have past bad experiences.

Instead, remember your achievements and successes, like passing a test, winning a prize, or solving a problem. You can also think about your idols and heroes, such as celebrities, athletes, or characters, who inspire you with courage and resilience.

Empowering Persona

Another way to feel strong is to use a different name or nickname that reflects your persona, like James Bond, Wonder Woman, or Indiana Jones. You can distance yourself from your fear by pretending to be someone else.

Riding roller coasters can be a fun and rewarding way to face your fear. You might find out that you love them and want to ride more and more. Or you might realize that they are not your cup of tea, and that’s fine too. The main thing is that you give it a shot and overcome your fear.


Roller coasters are scary and that is what makes them fun! If you have been feeling low about your fear of roller coasters, just follow the tips mentioned above. While they may not necessarily help you out instantly, they will definitely bring a gradual change to the phobia. We hope that you are over your fears of roller coasters soon!

How to Get Over Fear of Roller Coasters? - FAQs

What is the fear of roller coasters called?

Fear of roller coasters, also known as veloxrotaphobia, is an intense and irrational fear of riding roller coasters. Informally, it is often referred to as coasterphobia. People with this phobia experience extreme anxiety and discomfort at the mere thought of going on a roller coaster ride. Exposure therapy is a common treatment for coasterphobia. 

What if I still don’t enjoy roller coasters after trying them?

It’s perfectly okay if roller coasters are not your thing even after attempting to overcome your fear. Not everyone enjoys the same experiences, and amusement parks offer various other attractions that might be more to your liking.

Are there any physical limitations to consider when conquering the fear of roller coasters?

Some health conditions such as heart problems, and blood pressure restrict certain individuals from riding roller coasters. It’s essential to consider any medical advice or park regulations before attempting to conquer the fear.

Umar Ali
As editor in chief, I am always on the road, searching for hidden gems, undiscovered waterfalls, enticing hikes to explore, underrated delis, and more. Crafting compelling content that captures the true essence of each place is my passion. With years of experience in travel journalism, I strive to provide unbiased and factual content based on my real-life experiences. When I'm not out exploring, you can find me delving into local markets and devouring new foods, immersing myself in the cultures and communities that make each destination unique. It might sound like a tough job, but I love it!

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