Countries Around The World Celebrate International Anti-Corruption Day 2022

World Anti-Corruption Day is being observed globally today, Friday, December 9, to highlight the role of legal protocols in combating and preventing corruption in any state and law. Corruption is the biggest threat to the social and economic development of societies around the world, so the purpose of this day is to make people aware of it. According to the social, political, and economic trends, no country, community, or region can stop the adverse effects on its development by being prone to corruption.

Historically, when the General Assembly adopted resolution 58/4 on October 31, 2003, the Secretary-General authorized the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) to act as the Secretariat of the Parties to the Convention.

Additionally, the Assembly designated December 9 as International Anti-Corruption Day to promote awareness of corruption and the Convention’s role in preventing it. This Convention entered into force in December 2005 at the global level.

Joe Biden believes fighting corruption is true patriotism. Also, Atal Bihari Vajpayee says there can be no compromise on corruption; Kamal Hasan shares similar views and believes that not speaking out against corruption technically supports it.

This year’s International Day theme is “UNCAC at 20: Uniting the World Against Corruption”. Because corruption attacks the foundations of democratic institutions by distorting the electoral process, undermining the rule of law, and creating bureaucratic obstacles to obtaining bribes.

Because we know that corruption knows no state or border, but it is a global problem. So speaking on this global issue, APJ Abdul Kalam advised, “If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three key societal members who can make a difference. They are the father, the mother, and the teacher.”

In 2022, International Anti-Corruption Day (IACD) emphasizes the importance of a developing state free of corruption to ensure peace, security, and development. On December 9, the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) also celebrates its twelfth anniversary this year (2022).

Umar Ali
As editor in chief, I am always on the road, searching for hidden gems, undiscovered waterfalls, enticing hikes to explore, underrated delis, and more. Crafting compelling content that captures the true essence of each place is my passion. With years of experience in travel journalism, I strive to provide unbiased and factual content based on my real-life experiences. When I'm not out exploring, you can find me delving into local markets and devouring new foods, immersing myself in the cultures and communities that make each destination unique. It might sound like a tough job, but I love it!

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