US flight attendants move to ban lap infants

The Association of Flight Attendants (AFA-CWA) of the United States is asking for a permanent ban on travelers holding infants on their lap during flights.

Citing several instances of severe in-flight turbulence where infant passengers have sustained injuries, the association is demanding that all aircraft passengers regardless of age should have personal seats.

The President of the association Sara Nelson informed the press that sudden altitude drops is one situation that can cause serious injury to infants who are not properly seated in an aircraft.

According to her, there have been recent situations of sudden mid-air drops of more than 4,000 feet within seconds in aircraft. The intensity of the force of gravity and acceleration, she said, is “not something even the most loving mother or father can guard against and hold their child.”

“It’s just physically impossible.”

The association has previously sought such a ban in the United States within the last three decades. Recently, the association submitted a list of proposals to Congress asking for an amendment of current airline rules in order to enhance the safety of passengers.

Infants below age two in the United States are, under current rules, eligible to fly without a ticket. This means that most parents will choose to hold their infants on their lap while traveling by air.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recommends that parents purchase a separate seat for infants and that they ensure all infants are secured in an approved security restraint.

This recommendation is however not mandatory.

The AFA is therefore requiring the FAA to mandate the purchasing of individual seats as a standard aircraft rule for all passengers regardless of age.

According to the association, this is to prevent infants from getting serious injuries during flights, and to ensure overall safety, especially in situations of turbulence.

Umar Ali
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