Seattle public schools lucrative incomes for its workers, and its measures to combat racism

Seattle Public Schools, the largest public school district in Washington, is a giant system of more than 100 schools. The students count surpasses the figure of 52000 this year, whereas the enrollment of the district’s minority is 60% in these schools. Schools in Seattle have an average ranking of 8/10, which makes them feature in the top 30% of Washington Public Schools and is a testimony of the better schooling strategy of this particular system.

According to, a website with an efficient database, the demographics, and statistics of Seattle Public School employees are estimated to be over 4000 employees. 56% of the total employees are women, while 44% consist of men. The most prevalent ethnicity is white, which accounts for a total of 68%. The highlights of this schooling system are that it has made its employees the highest paid in the district and an overall 101% above the national average. The fascinating stat is that an average employee of Seattle Public Schools manages to make $42,455 per year, which makes this schooling system the highest paid in the district.

The Centre Square Magazine accumulated elaborate data comprising the amount of payment the employees of Seattle Public Schools receive. The reported statement of payment numbers might be astounding for some of the netizens initially, but, as they say, numbers do not lie! Keisha Scarlett had her salary escalate in one year from $158,451 to $226,695 after she was appointed as the chief of Equity, Partnerships, and Engagement. In 2022, Scarlett was promoted to Chief Academic Officer and made $231,229 in 2021- 22.

James Bush, an employee, had his salary increase from $151,480 to $214,714 from 2020-21 to 2021-22, according to the salary information provided by the state of Washington. Bush obtained that 42% pay increase when he was promoted to the chief of Equity, Partnerships, and Engagement. While the highest-paid employee in the district made a sum of $242,087 in the year 2021-22, a first-year teacher with a bachelor’s degree in the CV made $63,180 in 2021-22 in Seattle Public Schools, which speaks volumes about the hike of incomes in the Seattle Public Schools employees.

With the motto to address the “legacies of racism in our education system,” the management of the school is determined to protect the students’ community from the wrath of racism, and especially the colored students from racism-driven discrimination. As quoted by a student of Seattle Public Schools, ” Success is seen as being famous or rich. We only talk about Black Excellence in relation to people like Obama, but by doing so, we are limiting that definition to ‘I need to be a famous athlete or President of the U.S.’ to be successful. Black Excellence is also having a normal life and feeling like you are part of the community. ”

With an annual revenue of $1,144,450,000, Seattle Public Schools spend $16,941 per student each year and the amount is expected to increase with each passing year to improve their already brilliant results further. A five years strategic plan of Seattle Public Schools, particularly identified as Seattle Excellence, is keenly focused on supporting and aiding students of color who are prone to educational injustice, particularly African American students. With all these strategies and its well-off employees, Seattle Public Schools have a lesson for every district’s school.

Umar Ali
As editor in chief, I am always on the road, searching for hidden gems, undiscovered waterfalls, enticing hikes to explore, underrated delis, and more. Crafting compelling content that captures the true essence of each place is my passion. With years of experience in travel journalism, I strive to provide unbiased and factual content based on my real-life experiences. When I'm not out exploring, you can find me delving into local markets and devouring new foods, immersing myself in the cultures and communities that make each destination unique. It might sound like a tough job, but I love it!

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