11 Things to be Careful of in Isla Mujeres – SECURE TRIP

Isla Mujeres is a stunning island not far from Cancun. It has beautiful beaches, excellent cuisine, and welcoming people, making it a popular vacation spot. However, it is always smart to be cautious while traveling, especially if you are going somewhere unfamiliar. While Isla Mujeres is typically a secure destination to visit, there are still certain things to be careful of in Isla Mujeres!

Expert’s Advice: Things to be Careful of in Isla Mujeres

As long as you keep the following things in mind, you will be having an exceptional trip!

Do Not Miss the Boat

To catch the boat to Isla Mujeres, you need to get there early. In most cases, the earlier ship will have fewer passengers, making it easier to get a seat. In addition, the island is at its busiest in the afternoon, so arriving early will allow you to dodge the congestion.

boat in isla mujeres

Arrive at the terminal 15 minutes before the scheduled departure time. Better seats are available at the beginning of the boarding queue. If you miss a boat, you will have to wait an extra hour since it leaves exactly on the hour.

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Avoid drinking Tap Water

One of the things to be careful of in Isla Mujeres is the tap water, you can safely use the tap water for your showers, but you should not drink it since it may contain germs that will make you sick. Avoid using tap water for anything, including brushing your teeth, when visiting Isla Mujeres.

Filling Tap Water in bottled water

Bottled water is preferable for consumption on the island. In case that isn’t available, boiled water is a good backup plan.

Take Precautions in Hot and Sunny Weather

The warm rays of the sun are only one of the reasons why visitors flock to Isla Mujeres. On the other hand, the sun is quite intense, particularly in the summer. This is why protecting yourself from the sun and staying hydrated is a must while spending time outside.


Climate Chart Isla Mujeres

Find some shade if you feel yourself becoming lightheaded or dizzy. With forethought and caution, you can bask in the sun without risk while discovering everything that Isla Mujeres has to offer.

The cost of sunscreen in Mexico is almost four times more than in the United States. Be sufficiently prepared for your trip by getting enough sunscreen in advance.

For more advice on traveling in hot weather, visit our section on Travel Tips.

Take Precautions While Entering the Water

Visitors to Isla Mujeres can feel secure as they explore the island’s beautiful beaches, clean waters, and rich culture. However, swimmers should use caution and listen to safety warnings issued by residents or lifeguards.

lifeguard at ocean

Keep an eye out for dangerous marine animals like jellyfish and currents that may sweep you off your feet. If you cannot swim well, stick to areas where the water is shallow enough for you to touch the bottom.

Always Be Conscious of your Whereabouts

Keep to well-lit, busy locations where there are people around in case you need assistance. If you must go to a rural location, remember to exercise caution and be alert.

Be aware of your surroundings and the actions of those in them, and do not doubt your gut if anything seems off. Before venturing out, it is smart to figure out how you will get back to the hotel so that you are not stuck in an unknown area. You may help ensure your safety and prevent any dangers on your trip by following these guidelines.

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Keep your Belongings Close

Even while the likelihood of becoming a victim of pickpocketing is low in Isla Mujeres, it is nevertheless prudent to take sensible precautions. You can get by without carrying around a large amount of cash on Isla Mujeres since most businesses there accept credit cards.

wallet with cash and card in mans hand

Have a little amount on hand in case of an unexpected expense or purchase any mementos from the area. A few tourists said that they left their belongings at a certain place and went to roam around but couldn’t find them as they came back.

Fact Check: Pesos Will Save You Money

In most cases, paying in the local currency will save you money, particularly if you use a credit card that does not charge a foreign transaction fee. However, this may not be the case in Cancun, Isla Mujeres, or the Riviera Maya. The conversion rate used by many Isla Mujeres, Cancun, and Riviera Maya establishments is somewhat obsolete.

In other words, switching to dollars from pesos could help you save money. A hotel room that costs 4200 pesos would cost 200 USD if the current exchange rate from last year is used. But assuming the current exchange rate of 1 USD = 20 PES, then 210 USD is equivalent to 4200 PES. A night at this hotel costs $200 in dollars but $210 in pesos, so be sure to enquire about the exchange rate before making your reservation!

Make sure you are not being overcharged by asking for the total in both pesos and dollars. It is best to decide on a case-by-case basis whether to pay in local currency or US dollars. It may not be worth it to ask for every little thing, but it certainly is for larger items!

For other advice on saving money, read Best Time to Book For The Cheapest Airline Tickets and Use Google Flights to Find Cheap Flights.

Mexican Pesos

Get in the Mood to Bargain

The island may seem like the perfect spot to unwind and soak up some rays, but beware of the many and often aggressive street sellers and beachside merchants. If you are not interested in their goods or services, you should politely but firmly decline their offers. Always remember to haggle; the first asking price is almost always too high. A day at the beach on Isla Mujeres is not complete without a little bargaining.

street seller selling vegetables

Beware of Mosquitoes

All tropical areas have mosquitoes as a prevalent pest. The rainy season of Isla Mujeres, which typically lasts from May to October, is also when the mosquito population peaks. Dengue fever, chikungunya virus, and the Zika virus are just a few of the illnesses they may spread. Do everything you can to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes:

Mosquitoes in Bali

  • Apply a repellent containing DEET, picaridin, or lemon eucalyptus oil to your skin and any clothes you plan to wear outside.
  • Protect your skin by dressing in long sleeves, slacks, and shoes with closed toes.
  • At dawn and dusk, when mosquitoes are most active, it is best to stay indoors.
  • Mosquitoes are avoided by closing windows and doors and installing screens.
  • While you are sleeping, keep the mosquitoes away by using a net.
  • Take away any sources of stagnant water, including flower pots.
  • Keep an eye out for warnings about mosquito-borne diseases including dengue fever and Zika virus.

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Traffic in Isla Mujeres

Cars may find it difficult to negotiate the island’s tiny roadways, which are more often used by golf carts, motorcyclists, and bicycles. Since there is a shortage of parking spaces for cars, it is suggested that you take a golf cart or bicycle instead of using the bus or a cab. Golf carts and bicycles can be rented in several different ways on Isla Mujeres:

Traffic in Isla Mujeres
Traffic in Isla Mujeres – Image: Felix Wong
  • Find a rental agency in the city or along the coast. A government-issued photo ID, security deposit, and signed lease are typical requirements.
  • Choose a hotel that lets you hire golf carts and bicycles.
  • Daily or hourly rentals are available from street sellers.
  • You can find and compare rental agencies and their rates online.
  • Find and compare costs from several rental agencies with some digging. Before hiring a golf cart, be sure to inquire about any extra expenses, including those for insurance and gas.
  • When riding a bike, a helmet is mandatory.

Uneven Terrain

Isla Mujeres has both rugged and flat landscapes. The island’s primary geological material, limestone, makes it relatively flat and low. However, the beach in certain parts of the island, particularly the northern part of the island, is somewhat rocky. Those who like snorkeling or diving will appreciate the rocky coastline that can be found along the coast’s cliffs and coves. The following safety measures should be taken while traversing uneven terrain:

Isla Mujeres terrain

  • Wear shoes with a strong grip to maintain your balance on shaky ground. Do not go about in sandals or open-toed shoes if you can help it.
  • Watch where you are going and make sure it is safe to do so. Be wary of any rocks, holes, or loose gravel on the ground.
  • On the rocky ground, you should move slowly and carefully. Fall danger is magnified by haste.
  • Follow the marked routes and do not trample the flowers or animals. Do not leave any traces.
  • Pay attention to and follow any warning signs and indicators. You can trust them to keep you and the planet safe.


Isla Mujeres is known as the “Island of Women” because of its prevalence of female inhabitants, Isla Mujeres was a holy site dedicated to Ixchel, the goddess of healing and reproduction. Isla Mujeres has become a popular destination for beachgoers and watersports enthusiasts alike. Each year, a large number of visitors go to Isla Mujeres in search of its famed sun, beach, and sea. There are, nevertheless, some things to be careful of in Isla Mujeres.

Avoid these pitfalls and enjoy a wonderful time on the island by using common sense and following the basic safety guidelines provided.


Things to be careful of in Isla Mujeres - FAQs

What are the most important things to be careful about in Isla Mujeres

Be sure to take precaution in extreme weather, particularly hotter ones, and also save money by paying in USD. Some people also miss the boat to the island and this causes much trouble. Be sure not to miss that.

How big is Isla Mujeres?

Isla Mujeres has an area of ​​only 4.22 km².

What are some fun activities to do at Isla Mujeres

Tourists can go for Laze On The Pristine Playa Norte Beach, visit Punta Sur, Rent A Golf Cart and roam around (even play golf), indulge in a Yoga session, and go on a day trip to Isla Contoy or Underwater Museum of Art in Isl

Bilal Ahmed Vohra
Step into the world of extraordinary travel experiences guided by Bilal Ahmed, a globetrotter and esteemed travel writer offering readers with a genuine and immersive travel experience. With a diverse history of travel and a reputation for unearthing hidden gems, Bilal has become a trusted source for wanderlust seekers around the globe. His enthusiasm for crafting engaging narratives will transport you to the heart and soul of each destination, making you feel like you're right there by his side. You will often find him wandering through new travel spots, travelers' problems, and sorting out their up-to-date solutions!

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